1 - 0 of 0name Duration Uploaded

"Zero" is the usual proper noun for the number 0 in English language

"Zilch" is the usual name for the number 0 in English. In British English "nought" is also used. In American English "naught" is used occasionally for zero, but (as with British English) "naught" is more ofttimes used equally an archaic discussion for nothing. "Cypher", "beloved", and "duck" are used past unlike sports for scores of nada.

There is a need to maintain an explicit distinction between digit zero and alphabetic character O,[a] which, because they are both usually represented in English orthography (and indeed near orthographies that employ Latin script and Standard arabic numerals) with a simple circle or oval, have a centuries-long history of being oftentimes conflated. However, in spoken English language, the number 0 is frequently read equally the alphabetic character "o" ("oh"). For example, when dictating a telephone number, the series of digits "1070" may be spoken as "1 nix seven cypher" or as "one oh seven oh", even though the letter "O" on the telephone keypad in fact corresponds to the digit 6.

In certain contexts, zero and zippo are interchangeable, as is "null". Sporting terms are sometimes used equally slang terms for goose egg, as are "zero", "nil" and "nix".

"Zero" and "null" [edit]

"Naught" and "nix" are both names for the number 0, merely the use of "cypher" for the number is rare and merely literary in English today.[1] They are doublets, which means they take entered the language through dissimilar routes but have the aforementioned etymological root, which is the Standard arabic "صفر" (which transliterates every bit "sifr"). Via Italian this became "zefiro" and thence "zero" in modern English, Portuguese, French, Catalan, Romanian and Italian ("cero" in Castilian). Just via Spanish it became "cifra" and thence "cifre" in Old French, "cifră" in Romanian and "aught" in modern English (and "chiffre" in modern French).[2]

"Cypher" is more ordinarily used in mathematics and science, whereas "goose egg" is used merely in a literary fashion. Both also have other connotations. Ane may refer to a person as being a "social cypher", but would name them "Mr. Aught", for example.[2]

In his word of "nix" and "nought" in Modern English Usage (see below), H. W. Fowler uses "cipher" to name the number 0.[3]

"Nought" and "nix" versus "ought" and "aught" [edit]

In English, "nought" and "goose egg" mean aught or nothingness, whereas "ought" and "aught" (the former in its noun sense) strictly speaking mean "all" or "anything", and are not names for the number 0. Nevertheless, they are sometimes used as such in American English language; for example, "zilch" as a placeholder for zero in the pronunciation of calendar year numbers. That practise is then also reapplied in the pronunciation of derived terms, such every bit when the rifle caliber .thirty-06 Springfield (introduced in 1906) is accordingly referred to by the proper name "xxx-aught-six".

The words "nought" and "zip" are spelling variants. They are, according to H. W. Fowler, non a mod accident as might exist idea, but have descended that way from Old English. At that place is a distinction in British English betwixt the 2, but it is not one that is universally recognized. This stardom is that "nought" is primarily used in a literal arithmetics sense, where the number 0 is straightforwardly meant, whereas "naught" is used in poetical and rhetorical senses, where "zero" could equally well be substituted. So the name of the board game is "noughts & crosses", whereas the rhetorical phrases are "bring to nothing", "prepare at cipher", and "availeth null". The Reader'south Digest Right Give-and-take at the Right Time labels "nix" as "old-fashioned".[three] [4]

Whilst British English language makes this distinction, in U.s. English, the spelling "naught" is preferred for both the literal and rhetorical/poetic senses.[iv]

"Nix" and "nought" come from the Old English "nāwiht" and "nōwiht", respectively, both of which hateful "nada". They are compounds of no- ("no") and wiht ("thing").[4] [v] [half dozen]

The words "nothing" and "ought" (the latter in its noun sense) similarly come from Old English "āwiht" and "ōwiht", which are similarly compounds of a ("ever") and wiht. Their meanings are opposites to "naught" and "nought"—they hateful "anything" or "all". (Fowler notes that "aught" is an archaism, and that "all" is now used in phrases such equally "for all (that) I know", where once they would have been "for aught (that) I know".)[four] [7] [8]

However, "zip" and "ought" are too sometimes used as names for 0, in contradiction of their strict meanings. The reason for this is a rebracketing, whereby "a nought" and "a zero" accept been misheard as "an ought" and "an aught".[2] [iv]

Samuel Johnson idea that since "aught" was more often than not used for "anything" in preference to "ought", and then also "naught" should exist used for "nothing" in preference to "nought". Withal, he observed that "custom has irreversibly prevailed in using 'naught' for 'bad' and 'nought' for 'nothing'". Whilst this stardom existed in his time, in modern English, as observed by Fowler and The Reader's Assimilate higher up, it does not exist today. Yet, the sense of "goose egg" meaning "bad" is yet preserved in the word "naughty", which is simply the substantive "naught" plus the adjectival suffix "-y". This has never been spelled "noughty".[2]

The words "owt" and "nowt" are used in Northern English. For instance, if tha does owt for nowt do information technology for thysen: if you practice something for cipher practice it for yourself.[ix]

The give-and-take aught continues in utilize for 0 in a series of one or more for sizes larger than 1. For American Wire Gauge, the largest gauges are written ane/0, 2/0, three/0, and iv/0 and pronounced "i zero", "two cypher", etc. Shot pellet diameters 0, 00, and 000 are pronounced "single aught", "double zip", and "triple goose egg". Decade names with a leading zero (east.g., 1900 to 1909) were pronounced every bit "aught" or "nought". This leads to the year 1904 ('04) being spoken as "[nineteen] aught 4" or "[xix] nought four". Another acceptable pronunciation is "[19] oh four".

Decade names [edit]

While "2000s" has been used to describe the decade consisting of the years 2000–2009 in all English speaking countries, there have been some national differences in the usage of other terms.

On January one, 2000, the BBC listed the noughties (derived from "nought"[10] a word used for zippo in many English language-speaking countries), every bit a potential moniker for the new decade.[11] This has become a common proper name for the decade in the U.G.[12] [13] [14] [15] [16] and Australia,[17] [xviii] every bit well equally another English-speaking countries. Yet, this has non get the universal descriptor considering, as Douglas Coupland pointed out early in the decade, "[Noughties] won't work because in America the word 'nought' is never used for cypher, never ever".[19]

The American music and lifestyle mag Wired favoured "Naughties", which they merits was first proposed by the arts collective Foomedia in 1999.[20] Yet, the term "Naughty Aughties" was suggested every bit far dorsum as 1975 by Cecil Adams, in his column The Straight Dope.[21]

Sport [edit]

In scores for sporting events, in particular tennis and clan football, the number 0 has the very specialized names "love" and "nil". This can cause difficulty for radio and goggle box newsreaders, because the reader must be aware of which name to use, when the score is oftentimes written as the digit "0" in the script. (McLeish recommends to readers that they write the number out on the script in words if necessary.)[22] In cricket, a batsman who is out without scoring is said to accept scored "a duck", simply "duck" is not used every bit a synonym for cypher in the same fashion that "beloved" or "zip" are: information technology is ever accompanied by the indefinite article and is not usually used in a formal reading of a team'southward scoresheet.

In that location is no definitive origin for the tennis score name for 0, "dear". It commencement occurred in English, is of comparatively recent origin, and is not used in other languages. The well-nigh commonly believed hypothesis is that it is derived from English language speakers mis-hearing the French l'œuf ("the egg"), which was the proper name for a score of zero used in French because the symbol for a zero used on the scoreboard was an elliptical zero symbol, which visually resembled an egg.[23] [24] There is tangential support for this in the utilise of "duck" equally the name for a score of nada by a batsman in cricket, which name derives from the full proper name "the duck's egg" for that score. The following cricketer'southward rhyme illustrates this:[25] [26]

And when eleven are matched against eleven,
And wrestle hard the mastery to gain,
Who tops the score is in the seventh heaven,
Who lays an egg, in an abyss of pain.

M. G. Brodie (1865)[27]

A proper name related to the "duck egg" in cricket is the "goose egg" in baseball, a name whose origin is a clarification in The New York Times of 1886 where the journalist states that "the New York players presented the Boston men with nine unpalatable goose eggs", i.eastward., ix scores of zero.[25]

Nonetheless, the l'œuf hypothesis has several problems, not the least of which is that in court tennis the score was not placed upon a scoreboard, and there is scant testify that the French ever used l'œuf equally the proper noun for a zero score in the beginning place, that proper name existence as anecdotal every bit the hypothesis that "love" is then derived from it. (Jacob Bernoulli, for example, in his Alphabetic character to a Friend, used à simply to depict the initial nada–nada score in court tennis, which in English is "dearest-all".) Some culling hypotheses accept like issues. For example: The exclamation that "dearest" comes from the Scots word "luff", meaning "naught", falls at the commencement hurdle, considering there is no administrative testify that there has e'er been any such give-and-take in Scots in the first identify.[25] [28]

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the outset use of the word "love" in English to mean "zero" was to ascertain how a game was to be played, rather than the score in the game itself. Gambling games could be played for stakes (money) or "for dear (of the game)", i.e., for zero stakes. The first such recorded usage quoted in the OED was in 1678. The shift in meaning from "zero stakes" to "zero score" is not an enormous conceptual leap, and the start recorded usage of the word "dear" to hateful "no score" is by Hoyle in 1742.[29]

BBC Radio five Alive has circulate spin-off versions of its football game telephone-in 6-0-6 ("half-dozen-oh-6") focused on cricket and tennis, branded as "6-Duck-6" and "6-Love-half dozen" respectively, in the summertime months during the soccer off-season.

Another name for 0 that is used in sports is "naught". This is derived from the Latin word "nihil", which means "nothing". Although common in British English language, in football game results and the like, it is but used infrequently in U.S. English. The British "zilch" is not slang, and occurs in formal contexts including technical jargon (due east.g. "cypher by oral fissure") and voting results.[30] [31] [32]

"O" ("oh") [edit]

In spoken English, the number 0 is often read every bit the letter "o", often spelled oh. This is peculiarly the example when the digit occurs inside a listing of other digits. While one might say that "a million is expressed in base ten every bit a i followed by vi zeroes", the series of digits "1070" can be read as "one cipher seven zero", or "i oh vii oh". This is particularly truthful of telephone numbers (for example 867-5309, which tin can be said equally "eight-six-vii-five-three-oh-9"). Some other example is James Bail's designation, 007, which is e'er read as "double-o seven", not "double-nil seven".[33] [34] [35]

The letter "o" ("oh") is as well used in spoken English equally the proper noun of the number 0 when proverb times in the 24-hour clock, particularly in English used by both British and U.S. military machine forces. Thus 16:05 is "16 oh five", and 08:30 is "oh viii thirty".[36]

The utilize of O every bit a number can lead to confusion every bit in the ABO blood group system. Blood can either contain antigen A (blazon A), antigen B (blazon B), both (type AB) or none (type O). Since the "O" signifies the lack of antigens, it could be more than meaningful to English language-speakers for information technology to represent the number "oh" (zero). However, "blood blazon O" is properly written with a letter O and non with a number 0.[37]

Zip [edit]

In sure contexts, zero and nothing are interchangeable, as is "null". Notwithstanding, in mathematics and many scientific disciplines, a distinction is fabricated (run across null). The number 0 is represented by naught while null is a representation of an empty fix {}. Hence in information science a nothing represents the outcome of a mathematical ciphering such equally 2−2, while nil is used for an undefined state (for case, a memory location that has non been explicitly initialised).

Slang [edit]

Sporting terms (run into above) are sometimes used as slang terms for zero, every bit are "cypher", "zilch" and "cipher".

"Zilch" is a slang term for zip, and information technology can also hateful "nothing". The origin of the term is unknown.[38]

Run across also [edit]

  • Names for the number 0 in different languages.

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ In many fonts the character for zero (number "0") and the letter of the alphabet "O" take slightly different shapes. In some fonts (and also in hand writing), where there is a need for a articulate distinction a "slashed cypher" (Slashed zero (2).jpg) is used.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "nil | meaning of nil in Longman Lexicon of Gimmicky English | LDOCE". Ldoceonline.com . Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  2. ^ a b c d John Baker Opdycke (1949). Mark My Words, A Guide to Modern Usage and Expression. New York: Harper & Brothers. p. 640.
  3. ^ a b H. W. Fowler (1958). "goose egg, nought". Modernistic English Usage. Glasgow: Oxford University Press. p. 371.
  4. ^ a b c d e John Ellison Kahn and Robert Ilson, ed. (1985). "naught, nought". The Right Word at the Right Time. London: The Reader's Assimilate Clan Ltd. pp. 374–375.
  5. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Etymonline.com. 1906-02-18. Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  6. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Etymonline.com . Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  7. ^ H. Due west. Fowler (1958). "nothing". Modernistic English Usage. Glasgow: Oxford University Press. p. 36.
  8. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Etymonline.com . Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  9. ^ "Owt for nowt". 26 July 2016.
  10. ^ "Consummate Definition of "noughties"". Allwords.com. August 14, 2007. Archived from the original on 2014-05-12. Retrieved February 13, 2012.
  11. ^ "The noughties: And then where are nosotros now?". BBC News. Jan ane, 2000. Archived from the original on 2014-05-12. Retrieved Apr 21, 2010.
  12. ^ Colina, Dave (March 29, 2011). "Olympic hockey and Leyton Orient: the astroturf connection". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 2012-05-26. Retrieved Nov 30, 2011.
  13. ^ McCormick, Neil (September 18, 2009). "100 songs that defined the Noughties". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 2014-05-xiii. Retrieved November 30, 2011.
  14. ^ Tedmanson, Sophie (October 20, 2009). "The Noughties yr by year". The Times. London. Archived from the original on 2011-08-18. Retrieved November 30, 2011.
  15. ^ Tremlett, Giles (March 28, 2011). "At-a-glance guide to Spain". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 2012-05-29. Retrieved November thirty, 2011.
  16. ^ Bowers, Simon (March 23, 2011). "Budget 2011: Chancellor moves to close online VAT loophole". The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 2013-02-06. Retrieved November 30, 2011.
  17. ^ Stewart, Cameron (December 26, 2009). "The roaring noughties". The Australian . Retrieved March 3, 2013.
  18. ^ Huxley, John (December 26, 2009). "Never so good". Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on 2012-11-05. Retrieved March 3, 2013.
  19. ^ Rohrer, Finlo (31 Dec 2009). "Decade dilemma". BBC News.
  20. ^ Silberman, Steve. "Here Come 'The Naughties'". WIRED . Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  21. ^ Cecil Adams (1975-01-01). "What will the first decade of the 21st century be called?". The Straight Dope. Retrieved 2017-07-08 .
  22. ^ Robert McLeish (2005). Radio Production. Elsevier. p. 122. ISBN978-0-240-51972-two.
  23. ^ Palmatier, Robert (1995). Speaking of animals: a dictionary of animal metaphors. p. 245. ISBN9780313294907.
  24. ^ Horn, Geoffrey (2006). Rafael Nadal. p. xiii. ISBN9780836861846.
  25. ^ a b c Malcolm D. Whitman (2004). "The origin of "love" in scoring". Lawn tennis. Courier Dover Publications. pp. 59–65. ISBN978-0-486-43357-8.
  26. ^ J. A. H. Murray (1897). New English language Lexicon. Vol. iii office 1. Oxford. p. 702.
  27. ^ C. Box (1877). English Game of Cricket. London. p. 449.
  28. ^ Edith Dudley Sylla (2006). "Translator's Commentary on the Letter to a Friend and Miscellaneous Thesis 32". The Art of Conjecturing, Together with Letter of the alphabet to a Friend on Sets in Court Tennis. JHU Press. pp. 399–400. ISBN978-0-801-88235-7.
  29. ^ OED, 2nd Edition.
  30. ^ Charles Albert Ferguson and Thom Huebner (1996). "Sports Announcer Talk". Sociolinguistic Perspectives . New York: Oxford University Press U.s.. p. 164. ISBN0-19-509290-2.
  31. ^ Namrata Palta and Mary Stella (2007). Facing Job Interviews. New Delhi: Lotus Printing. p. 92. ISBN978-81-8382-106-3.
  32. ^ Philip Bong and Roger John Bell (1998). "Australian English". Americanization and Australia. UNSW Press. ISBN978-0-868-40784-5.
  33. ^ Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (2002). "Numerals". A Communicative Grammar of English. Pearson Education. p. 337. ISBN978-0-582-50633-6.
  34. ^ Loreto Todd and Ian F. Hancock (1990). International English usage . Routledge. p. 319. ISBN0-7099-4314-8.
  35. ^ Bernard Graham Shaw (2000). "Commercial Scripts". Vocalisation-Overs. Routledge. p. 27. ISBN978-0-878-30115-7.
  36. ^ Scott A. Ostrow (2003). Guide to Joining the Military. Peterson's. p. 248. ISBN978-0-768-91441-2.
  37. ^ P. Schmidt & K. Okroi, "Also sprach Landsteiner—Blood Group 'O' or Blood Group 'Nada'," Review Article, Infusion Therapy and Transfusion Medicine / Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin 28, 4 (July 2001): 206–208; Thou. Garratty et al. , "Terminology for Claret Group Antigens and Genes—Historical Origins and Guidelines in the New Millennium," Transfusion xl, four (Apr 2000): 477–489.
  38. ^ "Cipher – Definition from Merriam Webster". Retrieved 2008-12-15 .

External links [edit]

  • Wikisource has entries for
    • null
    • oh
    • nada
    • duck
    • dearest
    • nada
    • cipher
    • nil
    • zippo
    • null
    • nix
    • goose egg (British English language)
    • nought (American English)
    • nowt (Northern England English)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_for_the_number_0_in_English

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